

发布时间: 2024-05-08 05:03:51北京青年报社官方账号





As we speak, China's manufacturing sector is basically open. It is gradually lifting restrictions on access to the modern services sector. And it is opening up the financial sector with accelerated pace and at a higher level. Going forward, China will continue to quicken its steps to increase market access for foreign investment. Take for example foreign ownership caps in joint venture firms in sectors such as securities, future and life insurance. China has brought forward the deadline for lifting the caps from 2021 to 2020. At the same time, China has also cut short the 2019 edition of the negative list on foreign investment, reducing the 48 items on the list to 40.


As the local government continues to abide by the central government's spirit of implementing property measures in accordance with their own market conditions that housing is for living in, not for speculation, Yan suggested March may be a good time for those in need of a property to live in.


As the top online retailer in the U.S., Amazon has become a key player in the COVID-19 outbreak that is driving a spike in online shopping as thousands of people avoid leaving their homes. The company is responsible for 38.7 percent of online sales in the U.S., according to eMarketer. Walmart is second with 5.3 percent.


As the nuclear disaster at the stricken plant in Japan's northeast continues to rumble on, the government here said earlier this month it would be safe to release radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean.


As the provider of this integrated solution, BYD will provide Line 17 — the "gold line" that runs through the city — with an entire suite of products and services.


